Welcome to Parsha Knowledge! Parsha Knowledge is a weekly publication with Torah thoughts, stories, and inspiration on the weekly Parsha, founded by Aryeh Fingerer. The weekly newsletter is distributed and printed around the world. Aryeh is also the host of the Jewish n’ Joyful podcast – a podcast with inspirational videos and interviews. The podcast is available on all main streaming platforms.
- Parshas Beshalach: Divine DirectionIn this week’s Parsha, the Jewish people finally leave Mitzrayim. They were ready to go to Eretz Yisroel, but Hashem didn’t allow them to go the easy way. The pasuk says Vlo Nachum Elokim Drech Eretz Pilishtim – Hashem didn’t take the Jews up the short way – Hashem didn’t take the Yidden to Eretz…
Parshas Bo: You are Never Alone
In this week’s Parsha, the Jewish people finally leave Mitzrayim. They were ready to go to Eretz Yisroel, but Hashem didn’t allow them to go the easy way. The pasuk says Vlo Nachum Elokim Drech Eretz Pilishtim – Hashem didn’t take the Jews up the short way – Hashem didn’t take the Yidden to Eretz…Read…
Jewish n’ Joyful: The Jewish Secret to a Happy and Blissful Life (Interview with Rav Gav Friedman)
Rabbi Gavriel Friedman (Rav Gav) is one of the most beloved and entertaining speakers in the Jewish world. Known for his incredible wisdom and wit, Rav Gav has inspired thousands with his powerful messages of hope and meaning and his trademark humor. In this special episode, Rav Gav joins Aryeh to share the Jewish secret…Read…
Parshas Va’eira: Hashem Want’s Our Sincerity
In this week’s Parsha, Hashem speaks to Moshe. The Pasuk says, “Va’eira el Avraham el Yitzchak ve’el Yaakov” – Hashem told Moshe that He appeared to Avraham, Yitzchok, and Yaakov. On this pasuk, Rashi says: Va’eira El Ha’avos, Hashem was telling Moshe that he appeared to the Avos – to the forefathers. There is a…Read…
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The Jewish n’ Joyful podcast hosted by Aryeh Fingerer features inspirational interviews and videos from Rabbis, speakers, singers, and leaders
Rav Gavriel Friedman (Rav Gav) is one of the most beloved and entertaining speakers in the Jewish world. Known
for his incredible wisdom and wit, Rav Gav has inspired thousands with his powerful messages of hope and meaning and his trademark humor.
In this special episode, Rav Gav joins Aryeh to discuss life, challenges, happiness, and how to live the best life possible.
*This episode has been sponsored by:
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that’s changing the world! Get a copy at your local Jewish bookstore or their
website www.ohr-olam.org.
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How Tennis Saved 2 Lost Jews
The Reason Why Hamas Exists
The Trip that Changed My Life!
The Secret to Happiness
Israel, Chabad, Happiness, and Depression
Spreading Jewish Positivity in Challenging Times
Become Rich!
From Harvard to Rabbi
The Purim Episode!
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
The Key to a Fulfilling Life
A Jewish Music Star’s Perspective on Happiness
How to Keep Your Children on the Derech
Become a Champion!