Welcome to Parsha Knowledge! Parsha Knowledge is a weekly publication with Torah thoughts, stories, and inspiration on the weekly Parsha, founded by Aryeh Fingerer. The weekly newsletter is distributed and printed around the world. Aryeh is also the host of the Jewish n’ Joyful podcast – a podcast with inspirational videos and interviews. The podcast is available on all main streaming platforms.
- Parshas Vayakhel: When You Fall Down You Get Back Up!In this week’s Parsha, we learn about the men and women who donated gold and material for the building of the Mishkan. The pasuk says, vayavo’u ha’anashim al hanashim, which literally means that the men ascended to the women. Seemingly, the pasuk should have said vayavo’u ha’anashim im hanashim – the men and…
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Parshas Tetzaveh: Elevated!
In this week’s Parsha, we learn about the vestments that Aharon HaKohen wore in his service to Hashem. One of the special things that Aharon wore was the choshen, the breastplate which Aharon wore on his heart. The choshen had the names of all the twelve shevatim inscribed on it, representing the Yidden, and symbolizing…Read…
Parshas Terumah Inspiration
In this week’s Parsha, the Jews were instructed to build a Mishkan. The pasuk says that Hashem said, “V’Asu Li Mikdash v’Shachanti b’Socham” – “And they shall make me a Mishkan and I shall dwell in them.” There is an obvious question here. The wording in this pasuk seems incorrect. Seemingly, Hashem should have said…Read…
Parshas Mishpatim: People of Holiness
In this week’s Parsha the Torah commands us to be Anshei Kodesh – “people of holiness.” There is a question here. Other times, the pasuk says to be holy. How come over here the pasuk says to be “people” of holiness? Wouldn’t it make sense for the pasuk to simply say to be holy? Isn’t…Read…
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The Jewish n’ Joyful podcast hosted by Aryeh Fingerer features inspirational interviews and videos from Rabbis, speakers, singers, and leaders

Lipa Schmeltzer is an American singer, entertainer, and composer. He has an incredible journey and life story. This is a raw and authentic conversation about life, growth, music, art, and healing.
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-Colel Chabad: Download Colel Chabad’s Pushka app and help them support over 47,000 families in need! Visit pushkapp.cc/joyful.
-Parsha Inspiration: Receive brief inspiration to share at your Shabbos table email info@parshaknowledge.com or visit parshaknowledge.com.
– Ohr Olam: An Incredible Hebrew-English Mishnah Berurah that's changing the world! Get a copy at your local Jewish bookstore or visit https://zbermanbooks.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=ohr+olam
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How Tennis Saved 2 Lost Jews
The Reason Why Hamas Exists
The Trip that Changed My Life!
The Secret to Happiness
Israel, Chabad, Happiness, and Depression
Spreading Jewish Positivity in Challenging Times
Become Rich!
From Harvard to Rabbi
The Purim Episode!
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
The Key to a Fulfilling Life
A Jewish Music Star’s Perspective on Happiness
How to Keep Your Children on the Derech
Become a Champion!