How Tennis Saved 2 Lost Jews (feat. Rabbi Moshe Fingerer
2 Tennis Rackets Changed these Men’s Lives! Rabbi Moshe Fingerer share an incredible kiruv story and how tennis changed the lives of 2 young secular men.
2 Tennis Rackets Changed these Men’s Lives! Rabbi Moshe Fingerer share an incredible kiruv story and how tennis changed the lives of 2 young secular men.
In this week’s Parsha, we learn about the mission of the spies. They were charged to spy out the land of Eretz Yisroel. Despite being great individuals, the spies failed miserably. They gave a false and negative report of the land. How did they make such a mistake? They were such great people! I heard…
In this week’s Parsha, Aharon, the Kohen Godel was charged to light the Menorah, The Torah says, “V’yas k’ein Aharon – Aharon did so.” Rashi says that this means that when Aharon lit the menorah, he didn’t deviate from Hashem’s command even one iota. Isn’t this obvious? Aharon got instructions from Hashem. Of course, Aharon wouldn’t change…
Read More “Parshas Behaaloscha: Are You a Religious Robot?” »
As Shavous is approaching, I would like to share with you a special story about Torah learning that Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l (Rav Chaim on Chumash) would say over: The Chasam Sofer headed a prestigious yeshivah in the city of Pressburg. One day, a young man knocked at his door and said that he wanted to…
In this week’s Parsha, a census is taken of Klal Yisroel. The shevatim (tribes) are all counted. Each time a shevet is counted, the resulting number is rounded off to hundreds. For example, shevet Reuven has 46,500 people, shevet Shimon has 59,300 people, and shevet Yehudah has 74,600 people. However, there is one exception: There’s…
In this week’s Parsha (26:3), The Torah promises that if the Jewish people en masse keep the Torah, they will be blessed with every conceivable blessing. They will be blessed with prosperity, security, and satiety. Immediately after the pasuk (26:6) says, Hashem promises, I’ll give you peace. There is a question here: You have every…
In this week’s Parsha (25:35), the pasuk says V’chi yamuch achicha – if your brother becomes impoverished – Umata yodo imach – and he is in close proximity to you– vehczaktah – you should give him strength. Literally, the pasuk means that if a person gets impoverished, poverty-stricken, or indigent you should give him a lift – you should take care…
In the beginning of this week’s Parsha, the Kohanim are warned to avoid Tumah (impurity). The pasuk starts off “Emor El Hakohanim” – say to the Kohanim… On this Pasuk, Rashi says that the Kohanim were charged, “Lehazir Gedolim Al HaKetanim” – to make sure that the adults admonish the children and warn them how to behave. I heard from…
Read More “Parshas Emor: The Key to Raising Good Children” »
This Is a Crisis! One of America’s premier Jewish scholars in Torah and Jewish mysticism, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak (YY) Jacobson is one of the most popular speakers in the Jewish world today, lecturing to Jewish and non-Jewish audiences around the globe, and serving as teacher and mentor to thousands. Rabbi YY founded and teaches…
Read More “Rabbi YY Jacobson: Navigating Hard Times with Hope and Faith” »
In this week’s Parsha (19:18) we are commanded “V’ahavta l’rei’echa kamocha, you shall love your neighbor like yourself.” I would like to share with you two questions: Why does the Torah stipulate kamocha – to love someone like yourself? Wouldn’t it have been sufficient to say, V’ahavta l’rei’echa– love your neighbor? Secondly, how can we love someone as…