Jewish n’ Joyful: Joey Newcomb – How to Win the Fight of Life
I’m A Champion!
In this week’s Parsha (9:7), Aharon the Kohen Gadol was supposed to perform the inaugural service at the Mizbeach (altar), but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Moshe had to tell Aharon to go close to the Mizbeach. Why? Why did Moshe have to tell Aharon to go to the Mizbeach? What was going…
In this week’s Parsha, the pasuk says, u’fashat es begadav, the Kohen, the priest, divests himself of his holy priestly clothing, velavash begadim acherim, he puts on ordinary simple clothing, vehotzi es hadeshin, in order to remove the ashes, to dispose of the ashes. The question is why necessitate, why require the holy Kohen to…
In this week’s Parsha (1:2), the pasuk says, “Adam ki yakriv mikem karbon lashem” – when a person from you offers a sacrifice to Hashem. There is a question here: The Torah could have simply said Adam ki yakriv karbon lashem – when a person brings a sacrifice to Hashem. Why the extra word mikem…
Read More “Parsha Knowledge – Parshas Vayikra: The Young Opera Singer” »
In this week’s Parsha (40:18), Hashem’s home – the Mishkan is finally inaugurated. After a seven-day process in which Moshe had to assemble and disassemble, build and demolish, raise and lower the Mishkan – on the eighth day it was finally permanent. The question is why? Why all the upheaval? Why the turmoil? Why did…
In this week’s Parsha (35:22) we learn about the kind-hearted and generous men and women who donated all types of gold and material for the building of the Mishkan (Tabernacle). The pasuk says, vayavo’u ha’anashim al hanashim, which means that the men ascended to the women. Seemingly, the pasuk should have said vayavo’u ha’anashim im hanashim – the men and women came…
Why is it important to be happy and thank Hashem? * SPONSOR LINK * An Incredible English-Hebrew Mishnah Berurah that’s changing the world! Ohr Olam provides an incredible elucidation of the Shulchan Aruch and the Mishna Berurah. For more info and to join their email updates email [email protected] or call 516-666-7646 To obtain a copy visit…
When recounting the sin of the golden calf, the Torah tells us vayikach miyadam vayatzar oso becheret (35:22), that Aharon took all the gold and wrapped it in a cloth. Why was Aharon concerned about their being leftover gold? Aharon wanted to make sure that there would be no remnant – that there would be no excess…
In this week’s Parsha (28:4), we learn about the ornaments and vestments that were worn by Aharon the kohen Gadol in his service to Hashem. One of the articles that he wore was the choshen, the breastplate, which he wore on his heart. Inscribed on the breastplate were the names of each of the twelve tribes…
WE ARE FINALY UNITED! Living Lchaim is spreading inspiration to millions of people. Who is the person behind it? What’s their goal?In this week’s episode, Aryeh Fingerer sat down with Yaakov Langer, founder of Living Lchaim and host of the Inspiration for the Nation podcast. Aryeh and Yaakov discuss many interesting topics including the war…