In this week’s Parsha, the Jewish people finally leave Mitzrayim. They were ready to go to Eretz Yisroel, but Hashem didn’t allow them to go the easy way. The pasuk says Vlo Nachum Elokim Drech Eretz Pilishtim – Hashem didn’t take the Jews up the short way – Hashem didn’t take the Yidden to Eretz Yisroel on the regular path. Why? Ki karov hu – because it was too close. is counterintuitive. If it was the proper path, it would make perfect sense to proceed along that way. What does this mean? Why didn’t Hashem allow the Jews to take the easy route?
The Midrash explains that unbeknownst to the Jews, had they gone through Drech Eretz Pilishtaim – if they had gone through the easy path, they would have been attacked and killed. The Amalekim were waiting for them. If the Jews had gone on the easy and short path they would have been attacked. Hashem, in his infinite mercy, took the Jews on the more difficult path, saving their lives.
I heard from my father, Rav Yitzchok Fingerer shlita that the Sfas Emes says that this is a lesson for life. It’s a blueprint for us. Very often we think that we know which route is better for us. Many times, we get upset at things that didn’t go the way we expected it to go. We often get upset and ask Hashem why he’s taking us a certain way. We must realize that Hashem knows what’s best for us. Hashem loves us more than we can imagine. Sometimes, the longer, more circuitous route is the route that gets us where we need to go. We never know Hashem’s plans.
Before he came to America, Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky, zt”l applied to be a Rav in Europe. He and the whole town sincerely believed that he would receive the job. However, one day it became known that another candidate – a man of a much lower stature was chosen for this prestigious job. Rav Yaakov was downtrodden and broken. He knew that he was a much better candidate for the position. Rav Yaakov didn’t know how he would put bread on the table. He had no choice other than to move to America. Because he came to America, Rav Yaakov eventually became a Rosh Yeshiva in Yeshivas Torah Vodaath and was one of the Gedolei HaDor.
Many years later, Rav Yaakov gathered his large family together and told them that the ‘winning candidate’ – the man who was chosen to be the Rav, was tragically killed out with the entire city by the Nazis. No one from the town survived. Rav Yaakov said that when he didn’t get the job he was so upset. He had davened so hard that he should get that job and he was so disappointed when he didn’t receive the position. Now, however, it was all clear to him. If he had gotten the job he and his family would have probably not been around today! Hashem, in his infinite kindness, spared Rav Yaakov’s life! We never know Hashem’s plans!
When we go through hard and rough times – when we go through times that may seem dark and bleak, we must remember that Hashem is there for us. Sometimes the easy path isn’t the right one for us. Let’s remember that always does what’s best for us. Hashem loves us more than we can fathom!