“And so it was – just as she coaxed Yosef day after day…” (39:10)
The Torah says that Yosef Hatzadik was tested Yom Yom, each and every day, by Potiphar’s wife. It was a daily challenge that Yosef confronted. Yosef was able to conquer his Yetzer Hara (Evil inclination). Yosef was awarded with a unique appellation due to his strength of character and his ability to face such a difficult challenge- he was called Yosef HaTzaddik (Yosef the righteous). Interestingly, Yosef Hatzadik is Gematria (the numerical value of) 365, which represents the relentless, day-in-day-out challenge he faced, Yom, Yom – 365 days a year. The number 365 also symbolizes the strength he showed over the Gidin (sinews) in his body of which there are 365!
HaShas (Talmud) is also Gematria 365. Perhaps this is to teach us that a surefire way to stop the Yezter Hara is by learning the holy Gemara each day. May Hashem give all Jews the ability to fight the Yezter Hara each and every day and be the Am Kadosh, his holy nation!
Avraham Avinu upon receiving his Bris and being called Avraham (Gematria 248) as opposed to (his first name) Avrom (Gematria 243) showed mastery over all 248 of his limbs in service to Hashem. Avinu (our father) is not included in the Gematria because this title wasn’t exclusive to him (Yitzchok and Yaacov also had this title of Avinu). Moshe Rabbeinu was the one who was most comprehensive and wholistic in his mastery and observance. His was in totality – 248 limbs and 365 Gidin (sinews) – which total equals 613. Thus, he was most suitable to receive the taryag mitzvos (613 commandments), and thus the gematria of his name, Moshe Rabbeinu is 613!
(Heard from Rav Yitzchok Fingerer shlita)